Conceptual Art for your Projects!

A picture is worth a thousand words, but can also be worth thousands of dollars in savings and additional funding. Project plans and communication is much smoother with visual imagery. Here is an example below. The concepts below were actually presented to a city council and resulted in a proposal from a municipality for over $120,000 Dollars in grant money.

Original Building

Photo is a screenshot from a google image, we weren't able to get actual quality photo from the client of the outside.

Original Building Inside

Photo is from a low quality cell phone

Original Building Inside - Angle 2

Image from the web to aid in conceptual design

Daytime Concept

Visual image of the final aesthetic look described by the client during daytime hours.

Night Time Concept

Visual image of the potential look of the building during dusk, nearly completely dark outside a small town.

Inside Concept

Inside concept drawn from original photos